EUROPEAN BLUE CARD the Italian Government approves new rules for highly qualified inbound workers

EUROPEAN BLUE CARD the Italian Government approves new rules for highly qualified inbound workers

The Council of Italian Ministers approved as of 16th October 2023 the Legislative Decree introducing new rules on the access and stay of highly qualified foreign citizens.

The new regulation amends art. 27 quater of the Italian ‘Testo Unico sull’Immigrazione’, updating requirements and procedures for the emission of the EU Blue Card, aimed at:

  • increase the number of skilled workers from non-EU countries requesting an EU Blue Card;
  • quicken the procedure that gives access to the application for a nulla osta from the employer;
  • improve access to self-employment for those EU Blue Card holders who are still working their highly qualified jobs or looking for another job while unemployed;
  • grant a more flexible mobility on the short and the long run to EU Blue Card holders;
  • update the family reunification process;
  • allow an easier access and stay in Italy for Blue Card holders whose card was released by other EU countries.

The new regulations will be fully active as soon as published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale.

The Staff at Soluzioni Pratiche